Dave Normington

Software Engineer

Full Stack
Front end specialist

20 years programming experience
Comp sci fundamentals
Highly scalable applications


In Defense of SPAs

27 Jun 2024

For a few years now there's been a lot of focus, in the React community, on Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and particularly Server Rendered Components (SRC). But SPAs still make sense in some contexts. Let me explain.

Open/Closed React.js

30 Mar 2024

I don't see this principle used a lot in front end code bases but it really should.

Binary Addition

22 Jan 2024

Nothing ground breaking but just some practice to keep sharp. Write a function that takes 2 numbers, adds them and returns binary as a string.

JS Design Patterns

10 Jan 2024

Code design patterns have helped to build a language for constructing code in a way that people can understand and agree upon. However most of the examples of these patterns aren't used in Javascript which is where I spend most of my working time. Some of these patterns are used but they have a different expression in JS. So I thought I would document some of these using their original names but show examples of how I would expect these patterns to be expressed in JS.

Tools Scripts Runtimes

1 Feb 2023

This is a personal reference of tools/scripts/runtimes/package managers etc that I use with some setup instructions.

18 24 April Reading

25 Apr 2020

I’ve had more time for reading this week so here is a summary of changes in tech/business this week....

Jumping Steps

14 Apr 2020

hired.com allows those looking for jobs to complete assessments to improve their prospects. One of the programming problems I had to solve was...

The Partition On Kata

3 Apr 2020

The partition on kata is as follows...

Circular Dependencies

2 Feb 2019

Circular or recursive dependencies are modules that eventually depend upon themselves. This causes unexpected errors at run time such as module exports seemingly being undefined...

Reuse logic, avoid duplication, maintain performance with transducers

21 Oct 2018

“What now?” may have been your first reaction. This post looks at how we can use advanced functional concepts to make your code more composable (and therefore reusable!). This is not a new concept but it’s not familiar to a lot of developers especially outside of the Clojure community, where they were invented...

Designing a Query Lang

10 Aug 2018

A little over a year ago, I helped to design a query language (similar to SQL) for users of a wealth management product we were building. I worked on the initial language design and the front end experience while Bruno Felix built the final version and hooked it up to our client’s Java backend....

Unit Testing With Mocks

16 Jun 2018

At Assert(js) 2018, Justin Searls (@searls) gave a great and balanced talk about the value of mocking. Stop reading. Watch the talk. All of it. Or read my summary for the more impatient among you but the talk is much more entertaining...